Learn About AdmuPol

Beyond the social media platform, ADMUPOL is the Ateneo Department of Political Science’s  official website.

Created as part of the faculty’s  response  to the Covid-19 pandemic, the idea behind ADMUPOL’s emergence is driven by a need to create a central repository for online learning materials that PolSci faculty can continue to build on in the light of the retooling that happened from the  pivot to online learning of HEIs worldwide.   

An Important Driver

A key driver is the need to “capacitate” the self and to be self-sustaining in the process of learning online teaching methodologies. Years of teaching have resulted in a faculty pool conversant with content. The gap to fill is due to the shift to a new mode of teaching in an unfamiliar platform. 

As a depository of ideas and tools, ADMUPOL is accessible to all faculty, majors and students of the Department.   With one click, Global Politics is accessible at their fingertips. 

ADMUPOL has links to its own and the School of Social Sciences  pages on Facebook.

The Website

Five pages that highlight the Home, About, Cloud Learning, Insights and Updates & Alumni make up the official website of the Department.

The Home Page

Home anchors the Department’s Mission and Vision. The About page showcases the Department’s Undergraduate and Graduate programs, curriculum and the masterlists of courses, PLOs, in addition to the faculty profile.

Cloud Learning

Relevant to the current circumstances, Cloud Learning, a regularly updated page, sets up the tools and resources needed by faculty for carving their own toolkits for online learning. This toolkit is expected to be immediately germane for developing modules for adaptive learning in the Intersession term in July 2020. In the long run, these technological tools can be added on to enhance in-person teaching practices. Members of the faculty are enjoined to visit, go through the DIY CANVAS TUTORIAL in the SALT website and the materials from the Cloud Learning site.

DIY Canvas Tutorial

The Insights Page

ADMUPOL has created a space for Insights, which is reserved for the re-posting of faculty’s online columns, originally published on Businessworld Online website. Insights showcases the initial eight (8) part-series on Politics and Crisis that PolSci faculty in teams have produced in order to articulate their insights on the Covid-19 pandemic as seen at various governance levels. View as well the other resources authored by members of the faculty.

Updates & Alumni Page

The Updates & Alumni page contains relevant stories on Alumni as well as important news from the Department.

Get to Know
the Faculty

Learn The History of the Department

  1. https://www.afghanwomenconnect.org/
  2. https://www.apadrecordings.com/
  3. https://www.lacountycleanwater.org/
  4. https://www.visithoustontexas.org/
  5. https://www.moonstruckrestaurant.com/
  6. https://www.50yearsinexile.org/
  7. https://www.covid19innovations.org/
  8. https://www.connyun.com/
  9. https://datajournonepal.org/
  10. https://www.eaglehills.org/
  11. https://positiveactionforptsd.org/
  12. https://saomarcosdaserra.com/
  13. https://admupol.org/
  14. https://mrcofs.org/
  15. https://jpec.org/
  16. pintarbersamamedan.org
  17. https://pintarbersamamanado.org
  18. https://pintarbersamasorong.org/dana