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Department Timeline

Historical Notes on the Department of Political Science of the School of Social Sciences


Undergraduate degree in Political Science granted

The undergraduate degree in Political Science from the Ateneo de Manila was first granted in the 1979.



AB PoS program approved

The Bachelor of Arts, major in Political Science (AB PoS) program obtained its approval from the Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) as an additional major in the Bachelor of Arts programs of the Ateneo de Manila University effective SY 1984-1985. The program was revised, fourteen years after, to incorporate the Revised Core Curriculum of the College of Arts and Sciences, Ateneo de Manila University that was approved by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). The revised AB PoS program was implemented for the Freshmen intake of SY 1998-1999.



independent Department established

In school year 1992-1993, the Department of Political Science was re-established as an independent Department under the leadership of Dr. Evelyn T. Cullamar of the History Department. Prior to this, the Department has operated both as an independent academic Department and as a Program managed by the Department of History and Political Science.



School of Social Sciences established

In 2000, the Department of Political Science officially formed part of the School of Social Sciences. Since its establishment as an independent department, it has graduated 1332 students with a Bachelor of Arts, Major in Political Science degree. Specifically, in the last five years, Department has graduated 247 students AB Political Science majors, according to the data provided by the Office of the Registrar.



AB-Masters of Arts/ Masters in PoS, Honors and straight program implemented

The Bachelor of Arts/ Master of Arts in Political Science (AB-MA PoS), major in Global Politics was implemented for the Freshmen intake of SY 2004-2005 by virtue of CHED Memorandum Order No. 32, series of 2001 which granted the Ateneo de Manila University autonomous status and accordingly, the privilege to offer a new course/program in the undergraduate/graduate levels without securing permit/authority from the CHED. The implementation of the five-year undergraduate and graduate degree program was accompanied by changes in the curricula of the AB PoS and MA PoS programs of the department.



AB PoS-Masters in Public Management, joint program with Ateneo School of Government implemented

The Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Master in Public Management (AB PoS-MPM), another five-year undergraduate and graduate degree program of the department, was implemented for the Freshmen intake of SY 2009-2010 by virtue of CHED Memorandum Order No. 59, Series of 2007 which granted the Ateneo autonomous status and consequently, the privilege to offer a new course/program in the undergraduate/graduate level/s without securing permit/authority from the CHED.


AB Diplomacy and International Relations administered

The Bachelor of Arts in Diplomacy and International Relations (AB Dip-IR) with specialization in East and Southeast Asian Studies program was implemented for the Freshmen intake of SY 2012-2013 by virtue of CHED Memorandum Order No. 33, Series of 2008 which granted the Ateneo de Manila University autonomous status and consequently, the privilege to determine its own curriculum programs to achieve global competence.



Center of Development status granted

The Department of Political Science was granted Center of Development status by the Commission on Higher Education in 2016. Centers of Development are described as “ department(s) within a higher education institution, which demonstrates the potential to become a Center of Excellence (COE) in the future. This distinction draws from Section 8 (f) of RA 7722 or the “Higher Education Act of 1994” that requires CHED “identify, support and develop potential centers of excellence in program areas needed for the development of world-class scholarship, nation building and national development.”

CHED CMO 51 acknowledges a fixed set of required competencies, while simultaneously promoting the capability of “each institution shall be given the flexibility to design its own set of program outcomes depending on their thrusts, niches and strengths.”



ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance Regional Assessment for AB PoS undertaken

In 2019, The Department of Political Science, Ateneo de Manila University successfully undertook the AUN Self-Assessment Report (SAR) in order to better the quality of academic content and services for its AB Political Science Program.


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  1. https://www.afghanwomenconnect.org/
  2. https://www.apadrecordings.com/
  3. https://www.lacountycleanwater.org/
  4. https://www.visithoustontexas.org/
  5. https://www.moonstruckrestaurant.com/
  6. https://www.50yearsinexile.org/
  7. https://www.covid19innovations.org/
  8. https://www.connyun.com/
  9. https://datajournonepal.org/
  10. https://www.eaglehills.org/
  11. https://positiveactionforptsd.org/
  12. https://saomarcosdaserra.com/
  13. https://admupol.org/
  14. https://mrcofs.org/
  15. https://jpec.org/
  16. pintarbersamamedan.org
  17. https://pintarbersamamanado.org
  18. https://pintarbersamasorong.org/dana